APRIL 10, 2022 · Written by Tutu

The healthcare system directly affects everyone around the globe. Many lives depend on the efficiency of healthcare workers. So, it is important to note the challenges that healthcare workers face as this directly affects the individuals whose hope depends on them. Every worker in other industries faces obstacles that might make their job more demanding and limit their work output, but the healthcare system is more critical. The following are the some of the challenges faced by healthcare workers:
Lack of Career Advancement Opportunities:
One of the significant challenges healthcare workers face is the lack or inadequacy of career advancement opportunities in their previous or current positions. According to statistics, it is noted that 51% of healthcare workers have complained about this challenge; 49% of this percentage are nurses, while the remaining are other healthcare professionals. There is a lack of development programs and training for the staff. This includes opportunities for innovations, technology training, in-house training, educational training, etc. These workers have inadequate mentorship and cross-training with flexible schedules that can help them combine training with work.

Work Overload and Burnout:
Workers in the healthcare sector experience more workload and get burnt out than other sectors and industries. This can be due to the non-flexible work schedules and shortage of staff members. The workers have to work overtime, resulting in decreased sleep hours, more mental and physical stress, and fatigue. Healthcare workers are pushed to work to exhaustion due to low staff members, which will decrease job satisfaction. According to the US News, about 65% of healthcare workers experience sleep disorders, depression, and stress. This will eventually directly impact the patients they are working with if not handled properly.

Meager Salaries:
Compared to their workload, healthcare workers have complained of low income; salary is the motivation and top drive behind staff retention and good quality output in any industry. Creating a conducive work environment with deserved remuneration will encourage workers to do their best. In the healthcare sector, poor salary is a great challenge to workers, affecting their drive to work with satisfaction. They are likely to become lackadaisical towards their work, which should not be as they deal with lives.
Organizational Structure:
Good organizational culture enables growth, reduces stress and burnout, reduces depression and increases the motivation of workers towards their job. Good culture has been known to bring out the good output. Having a poor organizational structure will negatively impact workers and their work output.
Access to Technology And Innovation:
Innovations and new technologies keep springing up regularly, so one must be updated to keep up with the world. To access these innovations, there must be proper training and development programs. Also, access to technology will increase the efficiency of healthcare workers and reduce stress and workload. But adaptation to new and rapidly changing technologies is slow in the healthcare sector. Adaptation will require further regulatory and compliance laws. This makes healthcare workers slow in adapting to innovations.
Addressing these challenges will increase the work culture of the workers and increase their motivation to work. The challenges faced by healthcare workers are more critical as it deals with human lives.